RM Analyzer Help

Structure > Node Support

Table of the defined structural nodes, showing their support conditions. The supports are generally defined by specification of relevant spring constants. Rigid supports must be modeled by defining appropriately high spring constants. The support key is set to "yes" when at least one support item (spring constant, orientation, eccentricity) is different to zero.

Node Number of the currently selected node
Table of Node Supports (Spring constants)
  • Node: Node number (allowed numbers are 1 to 99999)
  • Supp: Code, defining whether the node has support information (yes/no)
  • CX: Spring constant for displacement in x-direction
  • CY: Spring constant for displacement in y-direction
  • CZ: Spring constant for displacement in z-direction
  • CMX: Spring constant for rotation around the x-direction
  • CMY: Spring constant for rotation around the y-direction
  • CMZ: Spring constant for rotation around the z-direction
Note: The spring constants are related to the local coordinate directions as specified in Structure > Node support orientation . These node coordinate directions are identical with global directions if no other user specification is done.